![[Translate to United States:] Wöhler Snap & Sweep Kehrstange](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/kehrstangen.jpg)
Wöhler sweeping rods with snap-in quick connectors for connecting a cleaning attachment on one side and for connecting another rod or a cordless screwdriver on the other side.
![[Translate to United States:] Stoßbesen](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Stossbesen.jpg)
Brushes in different sizes with snap-in quick connector for cleaning brick chimneys, stainless steel chimneys or plastic pipes.
![[Translate to United States:] Tragetasche für Kehrstangen](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Tragetasche_fuer_Kehrstangen.jpg)
Carrying bag for clean transportation of sweeping rods. Fully unrolled, the bag serves as a protection pad for storing tools during work.
![[Translate to United States:] Universalrotationskopf](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Universalrotationskopf.jpg)
Universal rotary head with snap-in quick connectors, for quick pick-up of chains or nylon wires. This allows you to be perfectly equipped for all requirements on site.
![[Translate to United States:] Kurzgliederkette](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Kurzgliederkette.jpg)
Stainless steel chain for removing persistent soot in brick chimneys. Simply hang it onto the universal rotary head.
![[Translate to United States:] Faden Twist](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Faden_Twist.jpg)
Nylon wires for all kind of chimneys, even for sensitive clay pipes. Simply thread into the universal rotary head.
![[Translate to United States:] Bohrmaschinenaufsatz](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Bohrmaschinenaufsatz.jpg)
Drill adaptor for connecting the cleaning rods to a cordless screwdriver or drill.
![[Translate to United States:] Schutztasche für Kehraufsätze](https://www.wohlerusa.com/fileadmin/user_upload/woehler/products/groups/P_152/Schutztasche.jpg)
Protection bag for sweeping attachments for clean transportation and storage of the sweeping attachments.